Virginia Under Republican Leadership 2023
Office of the Governor Website, Office of the Lt. Governor Website, Office of the Attorney General Website
NRA 2023 Virginia General Election Ratings
2022-2023 Virginia General Assembly Report Card by the Family Foundation
[Premise of the headline is false - federal funding for program ends Dec 31, however, local districts may apply individually for continuation]
Dec 21, 2023, Arlington Embraces Ranked-Choice Voting for Primaries, Virginia Mercury
Dec 20, 2023, Mulchi and Younger Face Off For Southside Senate Seat, Virginia Mercury
[Republican Sen. Frank Ruff was reelected in Nov, but declined to be sworn in due to cancer diagnosis after the election]
[These include constitutional amendments supporting abortion, felons rights, property tax exemptions for spouse of fallen soldier in the line of duty, increases in the state minimum wage, assault weapons ban, and recalls of Virginia Clean Cars Law by Del. Wilt and Sen. Stuart.]
Nov 14, 2023, Gov. Youngkin Announces $14.7 Million in Conservation land Grants, WSET ABC 13
Oct 6, 2023, Virginia VSU Not Underfunded, Youngkin Administration Says, Richmond Times Dispatch
[State expects to deploy math tutoring services October 1]
Sept 25, 2023, Amazon to Build Two -State-of-the Art Facilities in Virginia Beach, Governor Youngkin Announces, WSET ABC 13 News
Sept 22, 2023, Youngkin Directive Puts Focus on Artificial Intelligence in Virginia, ABC8 News WRIC
Sept 8, 2023, Virginia's General Assembly Finally Passes Budget, The Republican Standard
Sept 7, 2023, Tax Reductions Under Youngkin Have Been Significant, Thomas Jefferson Institute
Sept 5, 2023, Here's a Look At Virginia's 2023 Budget Deal, WRIC ABC 8 News
Sept 4, 2023, Younkgin Faces Test With Virginia Legislative Races, The Hill
Aug 2, 2023, Biden's Economy Hurts All Americans: Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Fox News
July 24, 2023, Virginians Overtaxed $5bn as Youngkin Urges Budget Deal, The Republican Standard
July 7, 2023, Youngkin 'not interested' in Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Sales, Daily Progress
June 5, 2023, How Virginia Is Spending New State Funding to Prevent Gun Violence?, Virginia Mercury
May 31, 2023, Virginia and South Carolina Governors Send National Guard to Southern Border, NBC News
May 30, 2023, Five Questions: Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, The Republican Standard
May 4, 2023, Gov Youngkin Signs 'Swatting' Bill at E.C. Glass High School in Lynchburg, WDBJ CBS 7
[Bill makes it a felony crime to call in false threats to stimulate a strong police response. The law goes into effect July 1 and carries a fine up to $2,500 and a year in jail, plus financial responsibility for the response to a false call. Lynchburg public safety organizations asked Del. Wendell Walker (R-Lynchburg) to introduce house bill. 1572]
Apr 12, 2023, Virginia Legislators Weigh Youngkin Amendments, Sustain Vetoes, WTOP
Apr 11, 2023, FIVE QUESTIONS: Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle Sears, The Republican Standard
(Virginia Clean Economy Act called for Closure of Plants by 2028)
Apr 6, 2023, Youngkin Amends Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers, Virginia Mercury
[VCU Students were shouted down and attacked by Richmond Antifa Groups]
Mar 29, 2023, Virginia Gov Youngkin Signs into Law More than 700 New Measures, Star News Network
[The governor approved 738 bills and vetoed three. He also issued recommendations and amendments to 78 other measures, which the General Assembly will consider when it reconvenes in Richmond April 12.]
Mar 26, 2023, Virginia to Offer Firearm Safety Device Credit Under New Law, Virginia Mercury
Mar 24 2023, Youngkin Signs Bill Creating $300 Tax Credit for Gun Safes, Virginia Mercury
[This is a departure from previous Virginia administrations that made it automatic]
[Pending law as written might adversely affect supply of CBD oil]
Mar 19, 2023, No Losses, No Gains for Virginia Farms and Farmland in 2022, Virginia Mercury
Mar 16, 2023, What This Year's Big Electric Utility Bill Does, Virginia Mercury
[Sweeping bill changes frequency of reviews, methods of determining profit levels]
Mar 9, 2023, Youngkin Announces New Slate of Efforts to Address Learning Loss, Virginia Mercury
Mar 6, 2023, Virginia Department of Education Mathematical Error Resolved, WCYB NBC New 5
Mar 4, 2023, Poll: Virginia Governor Youngkin's Approval Rating at 57 Percent, Star News Network
Feb 25, 2023, Lawmakers Pass Energy Bill, Skinny Budget As Session Ends, WTVR CBS 6
Feb 14, 2023, Despite Nationwide Advances, School Choice Efforts Fail in Virginia, American Liberty
[This was a priority highlighted by Youngkin in his State of the State Address in January]
Feb 13, 2023 Key Legislation Recap
Within the General Assembly, a vacancy filing must be conducted within 30 days(SB944). If a vacancy happens between December 10 and March 1, the special election must be held at most 30 days from the date of the vacancy.
SB1253 requires each school board to provide students' results on any Standards of Learning assessment or Virginia Alternate Assessment Program to parents, teachers, and other school leaders.
SB904 protects law enforcement, firefighters, correctional officers, and public safety telecommunicator by compensating workers when suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety.
SB1515 allows for civil action to be taken upon any commercial entity that intentionally publishes or distributes material harmful to minors on the Internet.
Women Veterans are authorized to be issued special license plates with proof and evidence that they are former members of the United States Armed Forces (SB1372).
Youngkin Administration - Second Year
Feb 9, 2023, Virginia Schools Face $202 Million Shortfall?, The Republican Standard
Feb 8, 2023, NRA Defends Speak Todd Gilbert from Attacks by 'Fake' 2A Group, The Republican Standard
Feb 8, 2023, Mid-Session Update: What's Still Alive or Dead (Or on the Way There), Virginia Mercury
Feb 4, 2023, Youngkin Thwarts Dominion Push for Higher Profits, The Jefferson Institute
Jan 26, 2023, Youngkin Tax Bills Move Forward, The Republican Standard
Jan 20, 2023, Virginia, Amazon Announce $35 Billion Data Center Plan, NBC 4 News
[Money will go to Virginia Emergency Environmental Response Fund]
Jan 12, 2023, Youngkin Shares His Legislative Priorities, The Republican Standard
Jan 12, 2023, General Assembly Poised to Take Up Variety of Parental Rights Bills, Virginia Mercury
Jan 3, 2023, Republicans Target Northam-Era Environmental Mandate, The Republican Standard

Responses to Republican Initiatives
[Sediment limits are for Rockbridge, Augusta, Bedford, Franklin, and Pittsylvania]
Nov 27, 2023, Virginia Democrats Propose Assault Weapons Ban, American Liberty News
June 28, 2023, What Caused Virginia's Budget Breakdown? Accounts Differ, Virginia Mercury
June 26, 2023, Virginia Nets About $1.5 billion in Broadband Funds, Virginia Mercury
[Bipartisan measure advances out of both chambers unanimously]
Feb 21, 2023, Proposed Gun Legislation Killed in Virginia General Assembly, WRIC ABC 8 News
[This column by Chris Miller from the Piedmont Environmental Council complaining about strains on the grid in Loudoun County fails to note that the Piedmont Environmental Council and other environmentalists have opposed all power and grid upgrades in Northern Virginia in the face of increased power usage, especially when all-electric cars are added to the mix]
Chief Patron Bills Sponsored by Rockingham County General Assembly members in 2023 Session
Link to Members List in General Assembly Legislative Information System to check individual bills: https://lis.virginia.gov/231/mbr/MBR.HTM
Chris S. Runion HD 25 R-Bridgewater
HB 1499 Absentee voting; limits availability of absentee voting in person.
HB 1500 Adoption; nonrefundable tax credit for amount of qualified expenses.
HB 1501 Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; requirements of members.
HB 1930 Virginia Self-Service Storage Act; default by occupant, watercraft.
HB 1932 Stationary vehicles; yielding or reducing speed for vehicles displaying hazard lights, etc.
HB 1933 High school equivalency; creates tax credit. High school equivalency and employment tax credit.
HB 1940 Waterworks and wastewater works operators; license reciprocity.
HB 1943 Crime victim rights; notification from the attorney for the Commonwealth. Crime victim rights; notification from the attorney for the Commonwealth.
HB 1956 Law-enforcement officer; magistrates to observe during training duties, etc.
HB 1963 Individuals with developmental disabilities; financial flexibility, report.
HB 2326 Study; Department of Forestry; ecosystem services markets; report.
Tony O. Wilt HD 26 R-Harrisonburg, Rockingham
HB 1378 State Air Pollution Control Board; motor vehicle emissions standards. State Air Pollution Control Board; motor vehicle emissions standards.
HB 1459 Law-enforcement officers, retired state; retention of badge. Retired state law-enforcement officers; retention of badge.
HB 1660 Dairy Producer Margin Coverage Premium Assistance Program Fund; created, removes sunset provision.
HB 2124 School psychologists; staffing flexibility. School psychologists; staffing flexibility.
HB 2125 Charitable gaming; exemptions from certain requirements for specified organizations.
HB 2126 Soil erosion control and stormwater management plans; Phase I Utility.
HB 2127 Passing certain stopped vehicles; motorcycles.
HB 2128 Virginia Small Estate Act; payment or delivery of small asset; disposition and funeral expenses.
HB 2130 Renewable energy portfolio standard requirements; State Corporation Commission authority, report. Renewable energy portfolio standard requirements; State Corporation Commission authority; report.
HB 2132 Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act; various changes to Act. Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act. Makes various changes to the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act. The bill (i) requires excavators to review updates in the 811 positive response system and conduct additional safety verifications before digging, (ii) allows an excavator to schedule a locate request 12 days in advance, (iii) grants stop work authority to State Corporation Commission representatives if they encounter a threat to public safety or property, (iv) creates a criminal penalty for any person who knowingly excavates in violation of the Act and fails or refuses to stop work after being requested to do so, (v) increases from $2,500 to $10,000 the maximum civil penalty for violations of the Act, and (vi) updates notification requirements.
HB 2133 State Fire Marshal; authority. State Fire Marshal; authority.
HB 2263 Sex offenses; prohibiting proximity to children and school property, penalty.
HB 2265 Industrial hemp; maximum THC concentration. Industrial hemp; maximum THC concentration.
HB 2267 Electric utilities; cost recovery; alternative to rate adjustment clause.
Robert B. Bell HD-58, R-Charlottesville
HB 1659 Students with disabilities; DBHDS, best practice standards, transition of records.
HB 1673 Strangulation by blocking or obstructing the airway of another; penalty.
HB 1704 Public elementary and secondary schools; reports of certain arrests and convictions, etc.
HB 1706 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children; dissemination of criminal history record info.
HB 1711 Minor's medical records; prohibits denial of parental access to records.
HB 1835 Health care providers; threats made against providers, penalty. HB 1860 Guardianship or conservatorship; primary care physician of respondent.
HB 1897 Protective orders; extensions and continuances, other monetary relief, penalty.
HB 1954 Killing the fetus of another; guilty of manslaughter, penalties.
HB 1976 Involuntary admission; temporary detention, release of detained individual.
HB 2303 Virginia Retirement System; school bus drivers, return to employment.
HB 2339 Court-ordered treatment; expedited diversion in lieu of criminal adjudication.
HJ 489 Study; State Corporation Commission; tree-trimming practices of electric utilities; report.
Emmett W. Hanger, Jr. SD 24, R-Mt. Solon
SB 795 Cattle Industry Board; collection and disposition of assessment by handler.
SB 903 Tetrahydrocannabinol; industrial hemp, regulated hemp products.
SB 914 Data Governance and Analytics, Office of; repeals sunset provision.
SB 959 Chesapeake Bay; nutrient credit calculations outside the watershed.
SB 1057 Farm use placards; delays requirement for vehicles claiming a farm use exemption to obtain.
SB 1058 Objects obstructing driver's view; dashboard cameras allowed.
SB 1059 Shenandoah River State Park; conveyance of easement.
SB 1113 Liability for sale of alcohol to an impaired customer; injury to another person.
SB 1122 Open-space lands preservation trust fund; use of funds, conservation easements.
SB 1129 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan; changes contingency for effective date.
SB 1169 Community services boards and behavioral health authorities; provisions of performance contracts.
SB 1170 Behavioral Health Commission; agency assistance, access Commission records.
SB 1305 Farm buildings and structures; building code exemptions.
SB 1332 Federally recognized Tribal Nations in the Commonwealth; consultation on permits and reviews.
SB 1465 Community services boards; behavioral health authorities; purpose; performance contracts.
Mark D. Obenshain SD-26, R-Rockingham
SB 1221 Assisted living facilities; minimum liability insurance.
SB 1223 Financial exploitation of vulnerable adults; venue.
SB 1224 Unlawful picketing or parading to obstruct or influence justice; penalty.
SB 1225 Killing the fetus of another; guilty of manslaughter, penalties.
SB 1226 Alcohol; liability for sale to an underage person.
SB 1228 Line of Duty Act; campus police officers; contributing private institutions of higher education.
SB 1229 Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail.
SB 1233 Marijuana; advertising restrictions; penalties.
SB 1235 Charitable gaming; exemptions from certain requirements for specified organizations.
SB 1236 Firearms, etc.; control of possession by locality.
SB 1237 Legal notices; online publications. Legal notices; online publications.
SB 1238 Motor carriers; financial responsibility. Motor carriers; financial responsibility.
SB 1239 Dairy Producer Margin Coverage Premium Assistance Program Fund; created, removes sunset provision.
SB 1240 Sales and use tax; agricultural exemptions. Sales and use tax; agricultural exemptions. .
SB 1241 Child Pornography Registry; required information.
SB 1242 Geriatric prisoners; conditional release; review hearings.
SB 1245 Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of post release supervision.
SB 1246 Emergency medical services agencies; ordinances or resolutions; designation as emergency response.
SB 1247 Parole Board; decision requirements, annual reports.
SB 1449 Judicial Retirement System; creditable service and contributions; extended absence.
SJ 254 Constitutional amendment (first reference); charter schools.