Election Integrity
The latest news on election integrity
2022 Election Integrity Articles​
Dec 5, 2024, Mail-In Voting Needs National Standards, Washington Examiner
Nov 18, 2024, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Smacks Down Effort to Count Illegal Ballots, Daily Caller
Nov 18, 2024, Crucial Pennsylvania County Received Juicy Election Grant Before Fumbling Election Administration, Daily Caller
Nov 18, 2024, Ranked Choice Voting Faces Cloudy Future after Election Setbacks, Nebraska Exminer
[Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon rejected ranked-choice voting for packed races in 2024 as did Missouri with the exception of a grandfather clause for St. Louis municipal elections]
Nov 18, 2024, More Virginia Localities Are Considering Voting System Changes, The Daily Progress
[Lawsuits are to exclude votes cast by non-citizens]
Nov 10, 2024, 18 of 19 States Harris Won Have One Common Feature - No Voter ID Requirements, Daily Caller
Oct 31, 2024, GOP Hits Democrats ActBlue Platform With Subpoena, Americas News Desk
Oct 30, 2024, SCOTUS Sides With Virginia on Voter Rolls - Youngkin Responds, The Republican Standard
[Teen and friends are Trump supporters]
[A box of processed ballots fell off a truck and laid on a Miami-Dade County Road Monday night.]
[Arson to Ballot Drop Boxes in Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon]
Oct 25, 2024, Who Requested 30,084 Absentee Ballots From Fishy Addresses in Wisconsin?, Daily Signal
Oct 15, 2024, Youngkin FIres Back on CNN, Defends Removing Non-Citizens from Voter Roles, The Republican Standard
Oct 16, 2024, Georgia Federal Judge Blocks Ballot Hand-Counting Order, BBC
Oct 15, 2024, Georgia Judge Rules Certification of Election Results is 'Mandatory', ABC News
Oct 14, 2024, In Wisconsin, Election Officials Push Back Against Critics of Drop Boxes, ABC News
Oct 13, 2024, Top Dems Threaten Nto to Certify Election If Donald Trump Is Elected, The Federalist
Oct 5, 2024, Amid Hurricane Turmoil, Judge's Ruling Alters South Carolina's Election Procedures, The Republican Standard
Oct 2, 2024, RNC Recruited Hundreds of Thousands of Volunteers, Thousands of Lawyers to Ensure Election Integrity, Daily Caller
Oct 2024, Dem Donors Funded Potentially Illegal Effort To Swing High-Stakes Elections, Daily Caller
[The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation found that Patriots Run Project is is funded by Democrats to run conservatives against Republicans in crtitical races.
Oct 1, 2024, Fate of Utah Amendments Comes Down to Missed Publishing Deadlines, Axios
Sept 27, 2024, North Carolina Removes 747,000 Voters from Voter Rolls, American Liberty News
Sept 21, 2024, Arizona Supreme Court Issues Ruling on 98,000 Votes, American Liberty News
(Court rules that coding error does not disqualify voters)
[The Voter Participation Center is active in swing states and advertising heavily ion facebook, but not wanting their ads to appear on the page of any user who subscribes to NASCAR and other organizations heavily dominated by Republicans.]
Aug 27, 2024, Texas Removes 1 Million People From the Voter Rolls, The Hill
[Deceased, non-citizens, and those who moved out of state removed]
Aug 24, 2024, RNC Sues Detroit Over Illegal Practices for Hiring Poll Workers, American Liberty News
[Detroit Election Commission practices resulted in employment of seven times more Democrats than Republicans, and many precincts with a single Republican inspector]
Aug 21, 2024, Ohio Finds 597 Non-citizens Registered to Vote or Voted in Recent Elections, AP
Aug 20, 2024, Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Voting Law After RNC's Push, American Liberty
[SCOTUS sided in part with the Republican National Committee's demand for registered voters proof of citizenship]
[New Georgia election rules mandate a hand count verification of vote totals at the end of each day]
Aug 19, 2024, Republicans Ask Supreme Court to Block 40,000 Voters, AZ Family
Aug 8, 2024, Youngkin Orders Paper Ballots for 2024 Election, The Republican Standard
[Original AP headline falsly implies that the judge tossed the whole law]
[A report on the variation of election laws between states]
June 22, 2024, Judge Dismisses Nevada Fake Electors Case, American Liberty News
[Prosecutors plan to appeal immediately]
June 19, 2024, RNC and Law Trump Recruit Poll Watchers for Pennsylvania, Washington Examiner
[RNC has pledged to deploy 100,000 poll workers, monitors, and lawyers for the 2024 election]
[After the Wisconsin Supreme Court changed from Conservative to Liberal majority, the majority heard oral arguments on a case giving hints that they might overturn the 2022 decision and again allow absentee ballot drop boxes]
Apr 8, 2024, Ban Zuckerbucks Nationally, Washington Examiner
[Wisconsin was the 28th state to ban private funding of elections recently. Analysis showed that the Zuckerburg's $400 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life and Center for Election Innovation and Research went exclusively to Democratic urban areas]
[The judge ruled in favor of a Democratic candidate who complained that the 'County Line' which has a column for party endorsed candidates. Republicans said the ruling did not apply to them. The judge agreed.]
Mar 30, 2024, Connecticut Becomes the Latest State to Approve Early Voting, The Hill
[Federal judges approved congressional maps in Florida and South Carolina that are viewed as favorable to Republicans.]
Mar 28, 2024, RNC Wins Major Election Integrity Victory in Pennsylvania, Trending Politics
[In a 2-1 decision among 3 Democrat appointed judges, they sided with Republicans on requiring verification signatures before expanding mail-in voting in Pennsylvania]
Mar 27, 2024, New Mexico Accused of Hiding More Election Records, Daily Signal
[NM Official won't disclose key information about new signature-verification equipment for putting candidates on ballot.]
Mar 20, 2024, RNC Sues Nevada Secretary of State Over 'Impossibly High" Voter Rolls, Daily Wire
[Election activists allege that Dominion Voting System Touchscreen Machines are so flawed Georgia Elections are unconstitutional]
[Mac Warner is the Secretary of State for West Virginia and running as a Republican for Governor]
Feb 19, 2024, Wisconsin Governor Signs New State Legislative Maps Into Law, Ending GOP Gerrymander, NBC News
Feb 9, 2024, Federal Judge Rules in Favor of DiSantis on Challenge to Election Law, Disantis Daily
Feb 9, 2024, Arizona Prevents Election Recount Nightmare With a Bipartisan Fix, NBC News
Jan 17, 2024, Republicans Intervene in DNC Lawsuit Over New Hampshire Election Law, American Liberty News
Dec 23, 2023, Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down GOP-Drawn Legislative Maps, American Liberty News
[Court sided with Democrats that Republican maps had created two-classes of voters through extreme gerrymandering]
Dec 19, 2023, China Meddled More Aggressively in 2022 Elections Because It Did Not Fear Biden Admin Retaliation Intel Report Finds, Daily Caller
[Three liberal justices dissented over using 2021 map for local elections.]
Dec 9, 2023, Jack Smith Reveals Sweeping Scope of Bid To Debunk Trump Election Machine Claims, Politico
[The report raises serious questions about federal employee behavior and ethics]
Dec 6, 2023, Nevada AG Announces Felony Charges Against Trump 2020 Alternate Electors, Truth Press
Oct 22, 2023, Mike Lindell Wi-Fi Monitoring Devices Banned From Kentucky Polls, Truth Press
Oct 6, 2023, New Mexico Judge Rules Against Republicans in Redistricting Case, NPR
Oct 5, 2023, Live Oak CA Intoxicated Teacher Caught Teaching Second-Graders After Driving to Work Impaired, Law Officer
Sept 27, 2023, New Mexico Republican Party Takes The State's Congressional Map to Trial, NPR
Sept 27, 2023, 2023 Elections Bring New Scrutiny to 'Sore Loser' Rule, Virginia Mercury
[State pushes back on Democratic Candidate's Lawsuit Seeking to Undo Primary Loss]
Sept 24, 2023, Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Wisconsin Election Chief,, Truth Press
[Washington, D.C.; Georgia; Ohio; South Carolina; Tennessee; and W. Virginia]
Sept 20, 2023, Republican Groups Sue New York, Governor Over Absentee Voting, The Hill
Sept 19, 2023, Republicans Win a Temporary Freeze in Redistricting Win in New York, Politico
Sept 4, 2023, Mississippi Democrat Says There Was Fraud in Democratic Primary, Truth Press
[Dark Money Group, Arabella Advisors, through The New Venture Fund sought to control the non-partisan group Secure Democracy]
June 27, 2023, Supreme Court Rejects Independent State Legislature Theory in North Carolina Case, Virginia Mercury
[Hansjorg Wyss established the Wyss Foundation that funds groups such as the Berger Action Fund]
Mar 28, 2023, Report: Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Kansas Congressional Map, American Liberty
[Florida, Missouri, West Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama]
[Convenience caused extra work for registrars]
Mar 4, 2023, Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Expedite Kari Lake's Election Lawsuit, Truth Press
Former Arizona Republican AG Brnovich Sat on Records Refuting 2020 Election Fraud, Associated Press
[Former Arizona AG did not find report from two investigators credible, Democrats has filed 8 bar association complaints against Brnovich]
[The Zuckerberg funded Center for Tech and Civic Life funded an $80 million initiative U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence which is targeting election offices with grants, training, resources, and consulting services, even in states that block public funding for election offices.]
Jan 20, 2023, The Supreme Court is Weighing a Theory That Could Upend Elections, Here's How, NPR
[Potential impact of 'independent state legislature theory']
Jan 17, 2023, Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database Tops 1,400 Cases, Daily Signal
Election Administration at State and Local Levels According to the National Conference of State LegislaturesNNational Conference
[This givess you an idea of the complexity of election administration throughout the States.]
Definition of Ballot Trafficking/Harvesting:
Ballot trafficking is an activity in which absentee ballots and votes are solicited, sometimes in exchange for money or other valuables. They are then collected through a process called “harvesting” and delivered to drop boxes by intermediaries (someone other than the voter), who are often paid a per-ballot fee by partisan actors.
Here are some of the sections of the Virginia Code Related to Ballot Fraud, Handling, Tampering.
24.2-707. How ballots marked and returned by mail. [Absentee voting] "On receipt of a mailed absentee ballot, the voter shall, in the presence of a witness, (i) open the sealed envelope marked 'ballot within' and (ii) mark and refold the ballot . . . without assistance and without making know how he marked the ballot . . ."
"After the voter has marked his absentee ballot, he shall (a) enclose the ballot in the envelope provided for that purpose, (b) seal that envelope, (c) fill in and sign the statement printed on the back of the envelope in the presence of a witness, who shall sign the same envelope, (d) enclose the ballot envelope and any required assistance form within the envelope directed to the general registrar, and (e) seal that envelope and mail it to the office of the general registrar or deliver it personally to the general registrar. . . . For the purposes of this chapter, 'mail' shall include delivery by a commercial delivery service, but shal not include delivery by a personal courier service or another individual except as provided by Section 24.2-703.2 and 24.2-705." [Emphasis added]
24.2-1004. Illegal voting and registrations. "A. Any person who wrongfully deposits a ballot in the ballot container or case a vote on voting equipment, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor." [Voting more than once, being registered in more than one location, state, territory]
24.2-1005. Bribery, intimidation, etc., of person receiving ballot
24.2-1005.1 Communication of false information to registered voter. [impeding a voter to vote]
24l.2-1007 Soliciting or accepting bribe to influence or procure vote. "No person shall solicit or accept directly or indirectly any money or any thing of value to influence his or another's vote in any election. Any person vilating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. This section applies to any election and to any method used by a political party for selection of its nominees and for selection of delgates to its conventions and meetings."
24.2-1008. Selling, giving away, or counterfeiting ballots. "Any person who (i) wrongfully sells or gives to any person an official ballot or copy of a facsimile of or device or plate used to reproduce such ballot or (ii) counterfeits or attempts to counterfeit the official ballot or the seal used on that ballot shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony."
24.2-1009. Stealing or tampering with ballot containers, voting or registration equipment, software, records or documents.
24.2-1012. Offenses as to absentee voters. [violation of absentee voting procedures, fraudulently signing the name of an absentee voter]
24.2-1015. Conspiracy against rights of citizens under this title.
24.2-1019 Complaints and allegation concerning election law offenses.
A National Election in the United States is really 51 ( including the District of Columbia) separate state elections directed by each state's legislature (or D.C. government) that together produce a national election result. Each state selects its electors under Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution. What emerged in 2020 were basic issues of election integrity in certain jurisdictions or for specific processes in state elections.
Virginia Election Integrity Actions
The Rockingham County Republican Committee had a representative for the accuracy testing of voting machines in September 2021 and was present for every day of the 2021 post-election canvas on November 3,4,5, and 8, 2021. Local voter registration records were updated monthly throughout 2021.
The State of Virginia also spent $1.5 million on an election intregrity ad campaign.
The Rockingham County Republican Committee monitored the local Risk-Limiting Audit on February 2021. The report on statewide audit results can be found here.
The purpose of conducting a Risk Limiting Audit is generally to ensure the accuracy of an election BEFORE it is certified. Normally, there are three levels: polling of samples from precincts, partial recount, and full recount as necessary to ensure accuracy of the data – all done BEFORE certification. The Virginia RLA is being done several months AFTER the certification of results to ensure machine accuracy. Any errors that may be found will have no impact on the election for which ballots were sampled.
The position of the Republican Party of Virginia is that this is an ineffective exercise that wastes taxpayer money and does not accomplish any of the tasks of a Risk Limiting Audit, which is to ensure the accuracy of election results before they are certified. Why do it at this point? Well, the only possible purpose at this point is to give the appearance of accuracy of the election process and the equipment. Logic and Accuracy testing of the equipment before the election already provides a review of election machine accuracy.
As the United States has sought to help other countries implement democratic reforms, the U.S. Agency for International Development has developed a number of resources for assisting countries with conducting elections that produce governments that have legitimate standing with its citizens. These resources include a robust toolkit as well as many examples of election processes and results which were analyzed. These are useful tools for understanding the 2020 U.S. election and making corrections for the future. Republican lawyers used these tools to challenge problematic areas.
"The most fundamental principle defining credible elections is that they must reflect the free expression of the will of the people." - USAID
A Guide to Elections Forensics, U.S. Agency for International Development, July 28, 2017​
Supporting Free and Fair Elections, U.S. Agency for International Development Program