Rockingham County Republican Committee
Cancelling Republican and American Culture
Republicans and like-minded American voters are going to have to stand up to protect their voice in the public square. It should be a priority to ensure that Republican voices and ideas are seriously considered.
Democrats and Washington elitists are determined to remove Republicans and like-minded voters from sharing and preventing ideas. Cancel culture has become a major media narrative and there are some very highly organized forces supporting and driving it. The only way that your ideas, philosophy, and way of life are going to be seriously considered is if you publicly support them as well as businesses and media who voice views similar to your own.
Some of the activities to cancel Republican culture are behind the scenes in media, initiatives, and processes where working Americans don't normally go. To give you an idea what is being said about you and is being done to remove your voice here is some of what happened during the 2020 election and what is happening now.
Take time to learn what is being done and said. Be prepared to defend your positions and to argue for sensible legislation, policies and ideas. But you must also voice support for like-minded voters and thinkers and take action to prevent cancel culture.
Cancelling Republican and American Culture
Prior Stories from 2021-2022 on Cancelling Republicans
[Michael Cohen's lawyers stated that Cohen used his personal funds to pay Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels nor was the Trump Organization party to the payment nor did the Trump Organization reimburse Cohen]
Mar 22, 2023, Newsmax Announces Its Back on DirectTV, Daily Caller
Feb 9, 2023, Another New Jersey Republican Council Member Shot Dead in a Week, Western Journal
Jan 13, 2023, Matt Taibibi Drops New Twitter Files on Russiagate Coverup, Truth Press
A nonpartisan national education nonprofit, provides programs and resources for educators and the public to teach, learn and share the abilities needed to be smart, active consumers of news and information and equal and engaged participants in a democracy. In existence for 13 years as of 2021. Has active media collaborators. Receiving millions from Democrat donors and supported by CNN, NYT, LA Times (Chandlers), and foundations. Based in a high-dollar location on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C.
Plan to complete 4-year plan by 2022 to create community of 20,000 news literacy practitioners teaching 3 million students annually
Created Checkology Virtual Classroom for students.
Publish weekly blogs and podcasts
Publish NewsLit Week Newsletter for Use in the Classroom. Here's the January 28, 2021 teaser for NewsLit Week to stop conspiracy theorists:
"In Texas, an air conditioning repairman is run off the road and assaulted by a former police captain trying to find forged presidential election ballots. Closer to home, you learn your cousin is convinced of widespread voter fraud. A suicide bomber detonates a massive explosion in downtown Nashville, possibly targeting the AT&T building over 5G . . ."
2020 Election Year Disrupt Disinformation Initiatives
Protocol. Election Integrity Partnership and Disinfo Defense League. Partnership of more than 100 researchers from multiple higher education institutions to protect people from falsehoods that could compromised their vote.
[teamed with MediaJustice, Common Cause Education Fund, and Election Protection Coalition]
Oct 26, 2020, The Anatomy of An Election Disinformation Campaign, WBUR [NPR's Boston Affiliate]
[UK firm that creates rating of reliability of news to direct brands to away from "non-reliable" (conservative and Republican) news sources to deny them financial support and ultimately result in their closure. This is completely out of sight of most working Americans.]
May 1, 2020, Technology Once Used to Combat ISIS Propaganda Messaging is Used by Democratic Group to Counter Trump's Coronavirus Messaging, Washington Post
[Former U.S. 4-star General Stanley McChrystal is enlisted to interact with 3.4 million online influencers to counter Trump's messaging]
Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform
Provides online Information, Mis- and Disinformation in the Context of COVID-19 [an example of a social media influencer countering U.S. Government information during the 2020 election used by former General Stanley McChrystal]
Scholarly Review of Disinformation Disruption
Dec 2, 2020, Democratic Defense Against Disinformation - In-Depth Research Report, Atlantic Council
Nov 19, 2020, Nina Jankowicz, "How to Defeat Disinformation: An Agenda for the Biden Administration," Foreign Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations)
Social Intelligence for Business
2020, Yonder and Edelman Intelligence. Brand Information Defense. Partnership between Edelman Communications and Yonder Social Media Platform to create social intelligence for communications teams. Their argument is that business is now the most trusted institution in the world and that it must protect itself from misinformation and disinformation. With business more trusted than government, what business supports in communication becomes very important.
Business Training Trends
Feb 22, 2021, Coca-Cola Told in Online Training Seminar to 'Try to be Less White', Fox Business News
[Anti-Racism Training]
Democrat Perspectives on Republicans and Traditional American Culture
Jan 1, 2023, Here the Hottest Hot Takes From Leftist Media in 2022, Daily Caller
[The Congressional Integrity Project managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest left-wing dark money network in the United States.]
Dec 27, 2022, Four Takeaways from the New January 6 Transcript Dump, Washington Examiner
Dec 22, 2022, Five Red Flags in Trump's Taxes, Politico
[Social network says it censored story after briefing from government officials]
May 9, 2022, Eight Times Leftists Protested Outside Conservative Homes, Daily Signal
Mar 27, 2022, Six Things You Need to Know About the Arabella Network, Daily Signal
[Left-Leaning group pushing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court Nomination]
[It is not conspiracy theory if there IS as conspiracy - read the left-hand column]
Republican Perspectives and Responses
[Suffolk University Poll Results; these results undermine the conclusions of Senator Durbin and other Democrat and Media who believe them]
Threats to Democracy Arguments